Understanding the Solutions: Dental Problems Addressed by Crowns and Bridges

Blog Understanding the Solutions: Dental Problems Addressed by Crowns and Bridges

A beautiful smile is more than an aesthetic charm; it reflects your oral health. When you're dealing with dental problems, seeking professional help is crucial. At Champion Dentistry, we specialize in offering a range of dental solutions, including crowns and bridges, right here in Philadelphia. This blog post delves into how these treatments can address common dental issues.

The Basics: What are Crowns and Bridges?

Before understanding how crowns and bridges can solve dental problems, let's quickly define these dental solutions:

Crowns: A crown, or a cap, is a prosthetic object cemented onto a tooth. It covers the tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength and to improve its appearance.

Bridges: As the name implies, a dental bridge bridges the gap created by one or more missing teeth. It comprises two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the hole and a false tooth/teeth in between.

Common Dental Problems Treated by Crowns

At Champion Dentistry in Philadelphia, we use crowns to address several dental problems:

  • Damaged Tooth
    A dental crown can protect your tooth, whether cracked, broken, or severely worn down. Cover the tooth; a crown restores its shape and prevents further damage.

  • Weak Tooth
    Teeth weakened by decay or large fillings risk breaking unless protected. A crown strengthens the tooth, giving it a new lease on life.

  • Cosmetic Enhancement
    In cases where a tooth is severely discolored or misshapen, a crown can improve the overall appearance of your smile.

Dental Problems Addressed by Bridges

While crowns focus on individual teeth, bridges are used when one or more teeth are missing. Here's how bridges can solve some dental problems:

1. Restoring Your Smile
A gap from a missing tooth can significantly affect your smile. Dental bridges fill in these gaps, restoring the natural beauty of your smile.

2. Distributing Forces in Your Bite
Missing teeth can cause an uneven bite, leading to discomfort or difficulties in chewing. A bridge can help evenly distribute the forces in your bite, making eating more comfortable.

3. Preventing Teeth from Drifting
When a tooth is lost, the remaining teeth may slowly shift into space, leading to a bad bite and other dental problems. A bridge keeps the remaining teeth in place.

Why Choose Champion Dentistry for Your Dental Crowns and Bridges?

In Philadelphia, Champion Dentistry has a reputation for offering top-tier dental care. When it comes to dental crowns and bridges, here are a few reasons why patients choose us:

Our dentists are proficient in different areas of dentistry, including the successful placement of crowns and bridges.

Patient-Centric Approach
We listen to our patients and tailor our treatments to suit their needs, expectations, and concerns.

Advanced Techniques and Technology
We utilize cutting-edge techniques and technologies to provide comfortable and effective dental treatments.

Quality Care
Our dedication to quality care means using only the best materials for our crowns and bridges, ensuring durability and a natural look.


Whether you have damaged teeth or gaps due to missing teeth, crowns, or bridges can provide effective solutions. At Champion Dentistry, we understand that each patient's needs are unique. Therefore, our experienced team is committed to offering personalized dental care that restores your smile's function and aesthetics.

If you're dealing with dental problems in Philadelphia, don't wait until they become severe. Contact Champion Dentistry and let us help you restore your oral health and confidence with our superior dental crowns and bridges. Your healthiest, happiest smile could be just a visit away!